
Charged with Aggravated DUI?

Is jail time mandatory for DUI in Arizona? New law changes explained

Drinking and driving is a serious offense in Arizona. The state takes a tough stance on DUI cases to keep roads safe. If you're caught driving under the influence in Arizona, jail time is mandatory for all DUI convictions.

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Charged with Aggravated DUI? What You Should Know Before Hiring a DUI Lawyer in Arizona

If you have been charged or arrested for driving under the influence, it is an excellent idea to talk to a lawyer. Depending on finances, you may want to hire a private attorney with DUI experience. Another option is court-appointed counsel. Trying to represent yourself is a risky possibility. This information is helpful when retaining a private DUI attorney.

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What You Should Know Before Hiring A DUI Lawyer in Arizona

A DUI conviction comes with serious consequences. Depending on your previous record, the alleged level of intoxication, and the circumstances, such as if an accident occurred, you face a number of life-altering penalties, including fines in the thousands of dollars, license suspension/revocation, hefty license reinstatement fees, ignition interlock system requirements with fees, a permanent criminal record, and incarceration, ranging from days to many years.

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charged with a crime

DUI with a Suspended License in Arizona? Here’s Everything You Need to Know

Let’s start with the basics: what exactly defines a DUI according to Arizona law? Arizona is known to be one of the harshest U.S. states when it comes to DUI laws. This is, in part, due to the fact that a driver can be charged with a DUI for showing any signs of intoxication while driving.

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Underage DUI in Arizona

Underage DUI in Arizona: Everything You Need to Know

Generally, Arizona’s DUI laws are strict. For drivers over the age of twenty-one, a charge of driving under the influence carries severe penalties. A standard DUI occurs when a driver operates a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) of .08% or higher. For drivers of commercial vehicles, the BAC limit is .04%. Drivers who refuse a BAC test lose their driving privileges on the spot for at least 12 months because Arizona assumes you provided consent to alcohol testing when you accepted a driver’s license.

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DUI Breathalyzer

Can You Refuse a DUI Test in Arizona?

The State of Arizona relies on its implied consent law to compel DUI suspects to agree to DUI breathalyzer-, blood and urine tests, as well as field sobriety tests. The implied consent laws in Arizona hold that by operating a vehicle in the state, you automatically agree to submit to DUI testing. Because implied consent applies to anyone operating a vehicle in the state, out-of-state drivers are also required to submit to DUI tests.

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arizona marijuana dui

Recreational Marijuana and Drugged Driving Laws in Arizona

In 2016, the state of Arizona rejected the legalization of recreational marijuana and this effort is now making its way back onto the ballot in November 2020. How does Arizona’s initial rejection of recreational marijuana affect drugged driving charges in the state and what can citizens expect moving forward with this new vote on the horizon?

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dui insurance costs

How Does a DUI Conviction Affect Your Insurance Costs?

A DUI conviction can impact many aspects of your life, from your criminal record to losing your driving privileges or your driver's license. What many people don’t ask until it is too late is how does a DUI conviction affect your insurance costs?

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How Long Does a Criminal Case Last?

If you've been arrested for a criminal offense, you are probably wondering how long your case is going to be hanging over your head.

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Super Extreme DUI in Arizona

Arizona is known to have extremely strict and dynamic DUI laws. At its base, there are four ways an individual can commit DUI found in Arizona Statute § 28-1381.
From there, a number of factors can affect the punishment, sentencing, and gravity of the crime.

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